There are a lot of unhealthy things around us. Some of them are growing heat and climate change. The problem of electricity is being faced by the whole world. The use of solar hybrid power plant is being used everywhere. Solar energy is available everywhere and is less costly than others. The one thing that people complain about is there is no power backup, but the reason behind these complaints is lack of information.
Here, we will try to remove some of these misconceptions. Lack of information about hybrid solar energy keeps you away from the benefits of it and making a sensible decision for solar energy installation. Check this link more details regarding solar energy installation.
What is hybrid solar energy?
Hybrid-solar systems are similar to a traditional solar system but the difference is that this system stores power in the battery for using it later. So with this solar system you don’t ever have to face a blackout. The power to use solar energy at the time of need in the battery is referred to as self consumption. It is though same as off grid power system, but the amount of battery capacity required is comparatively much less.
Advantages of Hybrid solar system
1. Stores and saves solar energy in the battery for using it later. As the cost of electricity is very high and this energy is more economical.
2. Permits to use solar energy in the peak hours when energy cost is highest in the day.
3. Power remains available during the time of blackout or grid outage.
4. Enables advance energy management.
5. Enhances independent energy.
6. Reduce power Consumption.
Types of Hybrid solar system
1. There are 3 options of the basic all in one hybrid inverters
2. Advanced grid interactive inverter systems also called as off-grid
An all-in-one (With backup)
Hybrid solar is the most cost-effective system. It contains solar battery and solar charger together. It has clever controls that can be programmed to develop the most effective and competent use of the available energy. It has a lithium battery of the size of fridge. It has many capabilities and features.
An all-in-one (With backup)
This can be used as an off grid and on grid power system as it has an inbuilt backup capability. The main drawback of this kind of system is that it doesn’t contain a grid isolation tool.
Important things to keep in mind:
1: Firstly, determine your power consumption
2: Then, select the right inverter and battery according to your power consumption.
3: Use power saving devices.
4: Give the battery full charge time.
5: Use only electrical equipment when needed.
6: Do not use more energy consuming appliances like refrigerators / air conditioners.